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Whispers from the Dead

Whispers from the Dead - B.L. Brunnemer

Whispers from the Dead picks up right where book 3 left off. Lexie is recovering from her attack and its been rough. She is really struggling with PTSD. On top of all that, she is still trying to fix the veil. Some of the ghosts are impatient jerks and not willing to wait for Lexie to get to them. I think what I like about these books is there is so much going on! First, Lexie is a teenage girl. She does impulsive things like punch a girl because she is mad. She is dealing with romantic feelings for her 5 best friends. Its all so normal in some aspects. Next, you have the ghosts. Every morning she goes to the cemetery and helps dead people move on. Seriously, you could focus entire books just about that! Some of the ghosts' stories are fascinating! Finally, she is learning more about her abilities and what that means.

Overall, Whispers from the Dead continues the series in a great direction. I was unsure in the beginning of the series. Lexie is sometimes such a teenager its annoying; She is impulsive and insecure. However, the plot thickens with each book and I like the direction Brunnemer is taking the story! I really can't wait for more!

Miles is still my favorite guy. I'm kind of over Zeke at this point-he just has a lot of baggage that is getting to be a bit much. My heart hurt for Issac and Ethan in this book for sure. Asher is awesome, but still second to Miles in my heart!

  • POV: multiple 1st (mostly Lexie though)
  • Tears: no
  • Trope: reverse harem, necromancy
  • Triggers: Lexie is dealing with PTSD from being kidnapped and attacked in the previous book
  • Series/Standalone: series
  • Cliffhanger: 
  • HEA: 

The Ghost Bird series by CL Stone, Ariel Kimber series by Mary Martel, The Stardust series by Autumn Reed and Julia Clark...then you will probably like Whispers from the Dead!


Whispers from the Dead

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