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Suspicion At Sea

Suspicion At Sea - Amie Nichols I am glad I stuck through the beginning. I really didn't care for Ellie or Justin in the beginning, but especially Justin. Here is how every line of the chapters in his POV went for like the first 10 chapters:
Damn she's so hot.
She's so f**king hot.
God she's so f**king hot I can't stand it.

It was literally the only thing he said. And it made me sad because it was seriously obvious that the only thing he cared about what that she was hot. He really didn't care to know anything about her; just that she was so f**king hot. I'm not usually such a feminist about this stuff (I love a good damsel in distress story for crying out loud) but Justin made me really angry.

However, I did keep reading and here is why I gave the book 4 stars:
1. Great plot-its interesting, engaging, and really complicated. It keeps you reading for sure
2. The supporting characters were great! You were always guessing who was good or bad, who was double crossing, etc. It provided a lot of support for the story
3. POV for a few small parts told from the story of 'the bad guy'. It doesn't tell you who he/she is, but simply identifies him/her as 'guest at the B&B' and I love getting a small peek into the mind of the villain.
4. FBI agents and Navy SEALs. Need I say more??

So, it was really the fact that this book had an awesome plot that saved it for me. I still didn't really like Justin much by the end of the book (I mean, I was actually hoping Ellie would realize she was in love with Cody or even the nerdy tech guy!) but the rest of the book more than makes up for my discomfort with Justin. :) My full review is at http://www.thebookdisciple.com

I would totally read another book by Amie Nichols! This was right up there with Cristin Harber and Susan Stoker type books and I really enjoy those!