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Defenseless - Elizabeth  Dyer

Defenseless takes the bodyguard trope and twists it a bit with a female bodyguard and a male client. I enjoyed the switch because Georgia isn't some perfect, badass soldier. She is stumbling through this new, post military job, unsure of herself and her purpose in life. It made her much more relatable than I expected because you really get to see her vulnerability. Parker was a great hero as well (again, I was a little nervous that he would be a flat character). He is a genius who does top secret government work...and makes video games! He is also playful, snarky, and flirty. He isn't this dominating alpha male, throwing his weight around and being domineering. Parker is unique and no less manly; he is just different. I appreciated that he didn't want a bodyguard period, but did accept that Georgia was better at tactical strategizing and he wasn't afraid to follow her lead in that area. They balance each other very well.

The action is non stop and Parker and Georgia are, quite literally, on the run from early on in the book! While the plot might seem a bit of a stretch, I didn't think it was implausible! Parker's program would be a huge win for the government and its use could certainly be abused. It doesn't seem impossible to imagine that the government might not use the program with integrity, so the plot that follows is believable. Overall, Defenseless is the type of romantic suspense story I enjoy because its fast, action packed, and remarkably interesting!

  • POV: 3rd
  • Tears: no
  • Trope: bodyguard
  • Triggers: none
  • Series/Standalone: stand alone
  • Cliffhanger: No but there is a set up for the next book
  • HEA: HFN

Run to Ground by Katie Ruggle, Resurrection by Katie Reus, Fast Kill by Kaylea Cross...then you will probably like Defenseless!





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